Top 10k strings from House of Shadows, The (1983)(Shadow Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   2 y(loc)=y(loc)+1
   2 "The goblin is free and speaks"'"HE SAYS:""THE PASSWORD TO SUCCESSIS ";f$;"""":
   1 y(ry)=y(ry)+1
   1 y(loc)=y(loc)-1
   1 total>total1
   1 total=total+1
   1 p$(z)=p$(z+1
   1 p$(obj)=o$(loc,i):
   1 p$(obj)="A TREASURE MAP":
   1 p$(obj)="A GOLD BRACELET":
   1 ocking chair.":
   1 o$(ry,y(ry))=k$:
   1 o$(loc,y(loc))=k$:
   1 o$(loc,y(loc))="A TREASURE MAP":
   1 o$(loc,n)=o$(loc,n+1
   1 m$="RIN")+("BRACEL"
   1 m$="REV"):
   1 m$="BRA")+" ":
   1 loc/(hadit1+1
   1 l$="A STAKE":
   1 l$="A DIAMOND RING":
   1 i;"   PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN   "';
   1 f$=("BATS WING"
   1 d in the walls.There is acreaking stair case leading up  and some winding steps leading  down to the cellar.There are    also exits North and West"
   1 count=count1
   1 count=count+1
   1 c$=c$+"  "
   1 c$="DROP STAKE ":
   1 c$="DROP RING  ":
   1 c$="DROP "+p$(zx):
   1 c$="DROP "+("RING"
   1 c$=" DROP TOAD  ":
   1 c$=" DROP PILL  ":
   1 b$="SMA")+("BREAK"
   1 b$="BRE");" a mirror?":
   1 b$;"!";" what are you on about"
   1 Shadows   o
   1 HOUS HOR  
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 A TORCH                                                                                                                 A RUSTY BUCKET                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A BATS WING    A FRIED TOAD   A DEAD RAT                                                                                A SLEEPING PILL                                                                                                         SOME BOOKS     A SWORD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A SKELETON KEY                                                
   1 ;"You have succesfully completed          this adventure":
   1 ;"VINCE THE VAMPIRE SPEAKS:"''"  Well done you have managed       to get the treasure map.        However, you now have to        make your way out of the           'HOUSE OF SHADOWS'"''"""----------GOOD--LUCK----------"""
   1 ;"THIS PROGRAM WILL SELF DESTRUCT IN 5 SECONDS                    "'':
   1 ;"QUITTING!!!":
   1 ;"House of Shadows"
   1 ;" THE HOUSE OF ";
   1 ;" SHADOWS "'''
   1 ;" I'M AFRAID THIS ADVENTURE IS               OVER!!              "
   1 ;"   Written by James Southgate"''''
   1 ;"        THE ADVENTURE       ":
   1 ,"YES",235
   1 ,"WIT",730
   1 ,"WES",550
   1 ,"USE",730
   1 ,"UP ",550
   1 ,"UNT",1000
   1 ,"UNL",1000
   1 ,"THR",730
   1 ,"TAK",400
   1 ,"SWI",730
   1 ,"STU",358
   1 ,"SOU",550
   1 ,"SMA",1000
   1 ,"SHI",358
   1 ,"SCR",290
   1 ,"SCO",3020
   1 ,"SAV",500
   1 ,"REV",710
   1 ,"QUI",500
   1 ,"OPE",1000
   1 ,"OBJ",650
   1 ,"NOR",550
   1 ,"NO ",235
   1 ,"LOO",1050
   1 ,"LOC",710
   1 ,"LIS",650
   1 ,"KIS",1000
   1 ,"IDI",358
   1 ,"HEL",300
   1 ,"GIV",730
   1 ,"GET",400
   1 ,"FIG",1000
   1 ,"EAT",200
   1 ,"EAS",550
   1 ,"DOW",550
   1 ,"CUT",1000
   1 ,"BRE",1000
   1 ,"BAS",358
   1 )=o$(loc,i,x
   1 )="A TREASURE"
   1 )+("what shall I do now?"
   1 )+("What now?"
   1 )+("What are you on about??"
   1 )+("Theres not a lot to see"
   1 )+("Now what?"
   1 )+("No thankyou.I'm not to keen on  them"
   1 )+("I'm not eating that"
   1 )+("I can't go that way"
   1 )+("FROGS LEGS"
   1 )+("EH! What do you mean?"
   1 )+("And it's getting VERY heavy!"
   1 )+(",    there is also an open door      leading East"
   1 (loc/(hadit1+1
   1 ("Tell me what to do"
   1 ("SORRY,I don't understand that"
   1 ("I'm not hungry!"
   1 ("I don't see anything of interest"
   1 ("I can't go in that direction"
   1 ("I can also see "
   1 ("And it's getting a bit heavy!"
   1 '("He also gives me a gold braceletand tells me to guard it        carefully."
   1 ''"The witch spotted me and with   a wave of her wand turned me    into a stone statue of a frog!":
   1 '"You give up too easily!"
   1 '"The only way out is to go down  the North or South passage,thereis a locked steel door West,    but it can only be opened from  the other side."
   1 '"Nothing at all!":
   1 '"I am now carrying:":
   1 "and even stole the ";p$(zx):
   1 "Your only hope is to put it to  sleep":
   1 "You must be joking.I couldn't   kill a thing like that.":
   1 "You idiot.A vampire can not be  destroyed by a revolver.":
   1 "You can find the password on    the second floor":
   1 "What with?I'll need a weapon    like the skeletons":
   1 "What shall I cut it with?":
   1 "Use a weapon to fight it":
   1 "Unfortunately the sleeping      pill only has a temporary       effect and the dragon woke up   and breathed fire at me!":
   1 "Try getting some light":
   1 "Try BREAKING the curse.":
   1 "Theres nothing around here that I am prepared to fight":
   1 "There are two passages leading  from the room,and there are     also some stairs."
   1 "There are two exits to the room.":
   1 "There are exits both North and  East"
   1 "There are doorways leading Southand West."
   1 "The witch was not harmed by     the bullets.She waved her wand  in fury and turned me into stone":
   1 "The witch turns back into a     beautiful princess and rewards  me with a stake":
   1 "The witch took it and ,with     reluctance,allowed me to        continue.":
   1 "The vampire fell to the floor,I may now go up into the attic":
   1 "The troll speaks:"'"     ""YUMMY-fried toad.Thats            my favourite."""'"He has moved away from the East exit,so I can now go East,      as well as North":
   1 "The troll is happily eating the food I gave him,so I can move   East,as well as North":
   1 "The torch revealed a small      goblin tied up in rope.":
   1 "The steel door swung open and I can now go East,as well":
   1 "The staircase is blocked by the dragon.":
   1 "The skeleton was temporarily    defeated and I can now move Eastas well":
   1 "The skeleton chased me of ":
   1 "The rope is very strong.I'll    need to cut it":
   1 "The princess wished me luck and then vanished":
   1 "The goblin was extremely        grateful and gave me the diamondring , but warned me to keep it safe":
   1 "The ghost submits to it being   correct and allows me to proceed":
   1 "The floor on which I stand is   festooned with spiders.         Screaching bats fly over the    doorways"
   1 "The east passage is blocked by  a gruesome and fearsome troll,  towering over me.His mouth is   drooling with saliva and he     looks starving.I am in a        desperate situation.The only    other way out is North."
   1 "The dragon fell to sleep"
   1 "The chest will need to be openedbefore I can see anything":
   1 "The chains are unlocked and I   can now move":
   1 "That's no good":
   1 "That did'nt do any good.He says he wants a FRIED TOAD and thats the only thing that will shift  him.":
   1 "Sorry I can't help you here":
   1 "So far I have scored ";sc'" points":
   1 "Opening the chest is the obviousthing to do":
   1 "One painting shows a frog and   a prince!":
   1 "O.K the frog is dead,but I'm notsure that it was the right      thing to do.":
   1 "O.K I now have"'o$(loc,i)
   1 "O.K I no longer have             "+k$)
   1 "KIL",1000
   1 "It's not locked.It is only      closed":
   1 "In this room I can see an old   hag,rocking on an old chair.    she says she will give me       valuable help if I give her a   diamond ring."
   1 "In this room I can see an old   
   1 "In this room  I can see Gerry   the Goblin sitting on an old    cauldron.He seems friendly and  welcomes me by playing a        familiar tune on his flute-":
   1 "In response to your kiss the    frog turned into an ugly        prince.He says:                 ""To destroy the witch BREAK the  curse.""":
   1 "I'ts too friendly to kill":
   1 "I'ts obvious what you've got to do.Isn't it?":
   1 "I'm not killing it with my bare hands.What do I use?":
   1 "I'm geting a bit tired of being asked for help!-work it out for yourself":
   1 "I'm afraid I've been tricked,thehag run of with the diamond     ring without giving me          anything":
   1 "I think he wants something to   eat":
   1 "I screamed but it did'nt do a   lot":
   1 "I refuse to help you.Why not trythinking for yourself?":
   1 "I haven't got it":
   1 "I have'nt got it.":
   1 "I have managed to enter the     kitchens of 'THE HOUSE OF       SHADOWS' However the food       doesn't look very welcoming!    Exits are South and East":
   1 "I have entered the second       bedroom of the house.The deathlysilence that surrounds me makes me want to leave the room,via   the East or North exit"
   1 "I have entered an evil smelling room.There is very little in theroom except for the grime       embedde
   1 "I have entered a large library. 
   1 "I have entered a dimly lit room.A cauldron bubbles in the cornerof the room releasing a terriblestench."
   1 "I have already got it!":
   1 "I don't need a key because the  chest is not locked,it is only  closed":
   1 "I can't see anyting to get":
   1 "I can't go that way,because the witch would see me.":
   1 "I can't go that way because I   can't SEE any Exits.":
   1 "I can't get the frog,because it keeps jumping about":
   1 "I can't get that":
   1 "I can't dump anything else in   this room!It's completely full  already.":
   1 "I can't do that.":
   1 "I can see an old treasure map":
   1 "I can only go down.":
   1 "I can leave the house by going  West"
   1 "I am still in the attic and a   haunting ghost insists that I   tell it the password,before I   move on.":
   1 "I am standing in the cold,      damp living room.There are      passages north,south and east"
   1 "I am standing in a hall         festooned in cobwebs.Numerous   ancient paintings adorn the     walls.There are strange         passages North,South,East and   West"
   1 "I am now in the attic.However   the Queen of witches,Evil Edna  demands that I give her a       valuable item before I move on.":
   1 "I am in the dark eerie attic of the house.I can see a brass sea chest,that is closed.":
   1 "I am in the dark eerie attic of the house."
   1 "I am in a warm cellar.It is warmbecause a small fire breathing  dragon inhabits the cellar,and  is blocking the exit."
   1 "I am in a warm cellar.A small   dragon lays asleep on the floor.The only way out is up":
   1 "I am in a long corridor at the  top of a winding staircase.     Fortunately there is no one elseabout apart from the bats       hanging from the grime coated   ceiling,and I think it would    be safe to move North or East   or I could go down the stairs."
   1 "I am in a dingy smelling room   with rats scurrying everywhere. There are  passages leading in  three directions":
   1 "I am in a dimly lit,deserted    cloak room.There are passages   leading South and West.":
   1 "I am in a dimly lit,cloak room. I am alone,apart from a sad     faced croaking frog sitting on  the cold damp floor.There are   exits South and West" 
   1 "I am in a dimly lit room.The    evil witch Katrona is admiring  herself in a large ornate mirrorFortunately she has not yet     noticed me.Obvious exits are    North and West,there is also a  Southern exit,but this is       blocked by the witch."
   1 "I am in a dimly lit room. Exits are North,South and West":
   1 "I am in a dimly lit room,coated in cobwebs and grime.There are  passageways North and South"+(" but there is also a passage way Eastbut it is blocked by a locked   steel door."
   1 "I am in a dark and musty        smelling room.In the lantern    glow I can see the neglected andworn furnishings in the room    and two ornate doorways leading South and West"
   1 "I am in a cold eerie landing,   with bare plaster walls and oak beams.A twisting,creaking       staircase leads down.There is   also a number of dark           mysterious passages,leading fromthis room"
   1 "I am in a cold dark room.There  are exits South,West and East,  but the East passage is guarded by a fearsome skeleton holding  a razor sharp sword"
   1 "I am in a cold dark room.There  are exits South and West.I couldalso go East because the        skeleton is not guarding that   exit anymore":
   1 "I am carrying too much as it is,but I can just about manage the bracelet."
   1 "I am carrying the following:"
   1 "I am at the top of a long       winding staircase.There is no   one else about except for a     few bats flying above.There are also hallways leading South and East."   
   1 "I am at the bottom of a musty   smelling stairway.A Suit of     armour completes the decor.Thereis also a door way leading West."
   1 "I am at the base of a           delapidated flight of stairs,   that lead up to the third floor.The only other way out would    be to go North"
   1 "However Gretna the Ghastly Ghoulthinks it has been too easy for you and steals all my belongingsand burns them!,except for the  treasure map.":
   1 "How do I unlock it?":
   1 "How do I "+("SMASH"
   1 "He does'nt want THAT":
   1 "Have you looked at the paintingsyet?":
   1 "Have you got a stake?":
   1 "Gretna the Ghastly Ghoul has    thrown me into a small room     with an awful smell of dead,    decaying bodies!The room is verydark,but the torch shows there  are exits South and West":
   1 "Gretna the Ghastly Ghoul has    thrown me into a small room     with an awful smell of dead,    decaying bodies!The room is verydark and I can see nothing."
   1 "Good idea.The torch revealed    some secret passages West and   South"+(" and some objects."
   1 "Give over I'm carrying enough asit is!-I will have to drop      something if you really wan't itWhy dont I drop :"'p$(
   1 "Don't be ridiculous I can't     understand that lot.Short simplesentences only please.":
   1 "Do you trust it???":
   1 "An icy breeze blows through the room in which I am standing.I   can see a small goblin tied up  with rope in the corner of the  room.":
   1 "An icy breeze blows through     the room in which I am standing.I can hear a faint whimpering   noise from the corner of the    room,but the corner is so dark  that I can't see anything."
   1 "An icy breeze blows through     the room in which I am standing.":
   1 "Absolutely nothing":
   1 "ADVENT:1"
   1 "A vampire lies dead on the floor"
   1 "A vampire hangs down from the   attic guarding it."
   1 "A stale,musty smell of dead ratsfills the cold,damp room in     which I am standing.In the      corner of the room is a small   amiable goblin.He offers me a   diamond ring,but says that I    must give him a clay pipe first"
   1 "A stale,musty smell of dead ratsfills the cold,damp room in     which I am standing.":
   1 "A narrow flight of stairs stand before me,leading up to the     second floor.The only other     way out appears to be West.":
   1 "A key may be useful":
   1 "A group of ugly one eyed women  have locked me in chains        in a dingy smelling room with   rats scurrying everywhere.There are passages leading in two     directions"
   1 "A cold breeze blows past me as  I stand in a small room.Spiders completely cover the floor,and  I would prefer to leave this    room as soon as possible.I couldgo West to the kitchens,South   or East."
   1 "....And I can do without such"'"rude comments.I'm doing my best!"
   1  vast amount of books fill an  array of bookshelves.I can hear fearsome roars coming from the  South passage.There are also    doors leading North and West"
   1                                                                                                                         l